As per the Geekbench listing discovered by Benchleaks, the processor is expected to feature 24 cores and 32 threads, aligning with the setup of the i9-14900K. Nevertheless, the standard TDP for the mobile version stands at 55W, whereas the desktop model operates at 125W. The Geekbench 6 benchmark was conducted on an Acer Predator equipped with an RTX 4080 Laptop GPU and 32GB of DDR5-5600 RAM.
During the test, the CPU reached a peak frequency of 5763MHz, as indicated by the JSON data generated by the benchmark. Consequently, the boost clock could potentially reach 5.8GHz. This represents a 200MHz improvement over the i9-13980HX and a 400MHz improvement over the i9-13900HX. To our knowledge, there is no i9-14980HX, which makes the 14900HX the new top-of-the-line model.
Based on publicly available data, it appears that the i9-14900HX could potentially rank among the highest performers in both single-core and multi-core tests on Geekbench. Scoring 2998 points in single-thread performance, it is comparable to the 13th Gen i9 desktop processors. While its multi-thread score falls short of the Core 13th Gen i9 K-series, it still outperforms the Core i7 desktop chips from the same generation.
The upcoming release of the Intel Core 14th Gen HX mobile series is anticipated to occur in the early part of next year. This series is projected to include a minimum of four models, namely the Core i9-14900HX, i7-14750HX, i7-14700HX, and i5-14650HX.