Two weeks ago, Intel unveiled the Core i9-14900KS, the newest addition to its 14th-generation series. This processor is the first to achieve a boost clock of 6.2GHz on two cores without the need for overclocking. Similar to the i9-14900K, the Raptor Lake-based CPU features a 24-core configuration, including 8 performance cores (P-cores) and 16 efficiency cores (E-cores), capable of handling up to 32 threads. The i9-14900KS comes with 32MB of L2 cache and 36MB of L3 cache, as well as integrated UHD 770 graphics. Intel’s advancements in processor technology are evident in the i9-14900KS, particularly in its ability to push frequency boundaries, reaching up to 6 GHz through Thermal Velocity Boost technology. This technology also enables an increase in the maximum boost frequencies for the P-cores to 6.20 GHz, with a slight increase for the E-cores by 100-200 MHz compared to the i9-14900K. The processor is designed to be compatible with motherboards based on the Intel Z790 or Z690 chipsets. In addition to the i9-14900KS, Intel has recently launched the Core i7-14700K and Core i5-14600K, with KF variants available, which are similar to their K-series counterparts but lack an integrated GPU.
The i9-14900KS has a maximum TDP of PL2 253W for short-duration power states, indicating an increase in power consumption to accommodate its improved performance capabilities. The PL1 has been raised to 150W. With a combined L2 and L3 cache of 68MB, the processor is able to handle high-speed operations efficiently. Considering the pricing history of Special Edition processors like the i9-13900KS and i9-12900KS, which were priced at around, the i9-14900KS is anticipated to be positioned similarly in the market, but with a MSRP. This release establishes a new standard for default processor speeds, showcasing Intel’s commitment to advancing high-performance computing.
Configuration | Base ClockP-Core | Max ClockP-Core | PBP/MTP | MSRP | |
Core I9-14900KS(F) | 24/32T (8P+16E) | 3.2 GHz | 6.2 GHz | 150W/253W | |
Core I9-14900K(F) | 24/32T (8P+16E) | 3.2 GHz | 6.0 GHz | 125W/253W | |
24/32T (8P+16E) | 2.0 GHz | 5.8 GHz | 125W/253W | ||
Core I7-14700K(F) | 20/28T (8P+12E) | 3.4 GHz | 5.6 GHz | 125W/253W | |
Core I7-14700(F) | 20/28T (8P+12E) | 2.1 GHz | 5.4 GHz | 125W/253W | |
Core I5-14600K(F) | 14/20T (6P+8E) | 3.5 GHz | 5.3 GHz | 125W/181W | |
Core I5-14600 | 14/20T (6P+8E) | 2.7 GHz | 5.2 GHz | 125W/181W | |
Core I5-14500 | 14/20T (6P+8E) | 2.6 GHz | 5.0 GHz | ||
Core I5-14400(F) | 10/16T (6P+4E) | 2.5 GHz | 4.7 GHz | ||
Core I3-14100(F) | 4/8T (4P+0E) | 3.5 GHz | 4.7 GHz |
The Raptor Lake processors come with 2MB of L2 cache per P-core, whereas the Alder Lake processors are equipped with 1.25MB per P-core. Each CPU now boasts 4MB of L2 cache per E-core cluster, a significant increase from the previous 2MB. Moreover, the total L3 cache size is 36MB. Intel has reported a 15% boost in single-threaded performance and a 41% improvement in multi-threaded performance, mainly attributed to higher frequencies and thread counts. The Z790 high-end platform by Intel offers numerous PCIe Gen4 lanes and USB 3.0 Gen 2×2 20 Gbps ports. This review will focus on the flagship Core i9 14900K, featuring eight performance cores (16 threads) and 16 Energy efficient cores (non-hyperthreaded), providing a total of 32 threads.